How to store your logs in the warmer months
In just a couple of months, you'll hopefully won't need to dig in to your wood supply until the nights start drawing in again in the autumn. But, you'll want to make sure your fuel is in good condition for use again later in the year.
In this blog post we look at some simple yet effective tips for storing logs during the summer months, which will help you safeguard your fuel against moisture, mould and other damage.

Season your logs
If you managed to collect or buy green logs, they need to be seasoned before use. This means the logs have to dry out in a well-ventilated area, for at least six months. The summer gives you a perfect opportunity to season your wood while you won't be using your log supply, to get it ready for winter.
For optimum ventilation, an open-sided log store is a great idea, keeping logs sheltered from the great British summer weather but allowing them plenty of air to dry out.
Air and ventilation
Your logs need to ventilate in order to dry out, and so it's sensible to stack them in such a way that allows little gaps between them where possible.

Keep an eye on moisture levels
Use a moisture meter to check the moisture content of the logs regularly. Ideally, the moisture content should be around 20-25% for well-seasoned firewood. If the logs are too wet, consider improving ventilation or covering them more effectively. Keeping your logs well-covered is important so a purpose-built log store is a solid option.
Elevate your log supply
It's important to keep logs off the ground to prevent moisture from rising up and getting to your wood supply. Consider purpose-built log storage that keeps them elevated, ventilated and stored away neatly. This helps to improve air circulation around the logs, reducing the chances of moisture buildup and fungal growth.
So as the warmer months approach and the need for cosy fires dwindles, it's crucial to ensure that your wood supply remains in optimal condition for use later in the year.
Our range of hand-made log stores can be seen here: